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Fertility Wellness

Whether you are just beginning to start your journey towards growing your family, or have been for a while, pelvic floor physical therapy can provide vast benefits to the pelvic organs and promote an ideal environment for conception. 

Why does fascial and visceral mobility matter in fertility?

When there is disruption in blood flood and normal mobility to the abdominal and reproductive organs, there can be significant changes in inflammation, hormone production and regulation, and possible blockages. When manual therapy modalities are performed, they can help activate appropriate central nervous system response to positively influence reproductive organ activity, decrease elevated FSH levels, and promote a more optimal internal environment for successful pregnancy.

Rice AD, Patterson K, Wakefield LB, Reed ED, Breder KP, Wurn BF, King CR, Wurn LJ. Ten-year Retrospective Study on the Efficacy of a Manual Physical Therapy to Treat Female Infertility. Alternative Therapies. 2015.(21)3;32-40.

Eisenberg, Esther, et al. "Infertility.", 1 Apr. 2019,

Kramp, Mary Ellen. Combined Manual Therapy Techniques for the Treatment of Women With Infertility: A Case Series. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, October 2012, Vol. 112, 680-684.

What treatment looks like.


Abdominal and Pelvic Evaluation

There are several factors that can influence your fertility wellness.  This comprehensive eval looks at your abdominal muscle and organ mobility, as well as your pelvic floor to help understand a possible root of the problem.


Cycle Tracking and Lifestyle Changes

We will look at any blood work results that you have, educate on how to properly track and make notes about your cycle, and decide if there are lifestyle changes (re: exercise, diet, and supplements) that need to be altered to improve fertility.


Deep Tissue Work

Through visceral mobilization, we use evidence-based treatment to help increase your chance of conceiving by ultimately increasing blood flow to your reproductive organs, thus improving function.  This deeper tissue and muscle work increases blood flow, organ mobility, and reduces scar tissue and adhesions.


3 month commitment

Sessions are 45 minutes long, 1 time per week.  It is important to work through at least 3 full menstrual cycles to assess for patterns, notice physical changes, and create structural change.


 - by definition, infertility is defined as having difficulty achieving pregnancy within 12 months of trying to get pregnant in individuals younger than 35 and within 6 months of trying to get pregnant in individuals over 35.

- the most common reason for infertility in women is complications with ovulation, which may also include history of endometriosis or PCOS.  Your doctor will suggest options for you to try in order to address the hormonal component to your infertility.

Mechanical infertility occurs when there is a physical obstruction preventing the sperm and the egg from meeting can be from scar tissue in the abdomen or reproductive organs from previous surgeries, pain with intercourse, and it is also associated with inflammation and lymphatic blockage within the pelvis. 

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